Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

V1.0.1 for Android : 47MB --but V1.0.3:137MB

(1/2) > >>

What happened?

Heh, that wasn't the plan.

Right, I can sort that if it's a problem for anyone but basically the resolution of the audio has been improved for the Play Store - hence a bigger download. We had decided against doing this for GB as Apportable pointed out that it could cause problems for people tight on space.


--- Quote from: sillytuna on December 18, 2012, 10:56:05 PM ---Heh, they'd said they weren't going to do that.

Right, I can sort that if it's a problem for anyone but basically the resolution of the audio has been improved for the Play Store - hence a bigger download. We had decided against doing this in case it caused problems for people tight on space...

--- End quote ---
:-[ What huge truely causes problems for some people tight on space...

I've put in a request to sort this.


--- Quote from: sillytuna on December 18, 2012, 11:09:32 PM ---I've put in a request to sort this.

--- End quote ---
Thanks a lot!


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