Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Custom Levels / Mods - The Central Roid of User Creations...

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Lost Seedling:
Gizmo, it is unclear what exactly you are trying to download and from which location. Most of the custom maps listed on this site require you to have the "Classic" Eufloria game in order to install and play them. They will not run on other versions of Eufloria. These map files are scattered around the site in the original posts from the map creators. Can you give me a name of one particular map you are having trouble downloading? I can check if the link is working for me and help you further.

As for the link you included in your post, that appears to no longer be a valid website having been abandoned a long time ago. Use this page to search for the originals posts where you can download the maps directly:

If you need help in installing and playing any maps let me know.

hello Lost Seedling

surprised for such soon reply, thx ;)

I wanted to download all available custom maps from:
but each link is sending me to some weird page:
Map Name: The Broken Belt (10-May-2011) =>
Map Name: Tough Collisions A 'Mod' Game =>
and so on..
basically cannot download any map, I tried different web browers and still the same.

Could you pls check as well?

Lost Seedling:
Below are links to the pages for the two maps you listed. To find other maps you'll need to go to the link I provided earlier and search through the postings for the map you're looking for or use the Search function at the top this page. Both of these maps downloaded fine for me from the links below. Let me know if you need more assistance. Incidentally, Tough Collisions is not a standard Eufloria-game map but and experimental mod. There are a number of wild experiments you may run across in your downloads.

Broken Belt:

Tough Collisions:

thx below links are working for me, but still I do not understand why I cannot access all maps through: (is this correct page?)

if I try link:

Map Name: The Broken Belt (10-May-2011)
Features: * Prepare, to meet the aliens yet again, but now they are more furious and angry than ever. They'll crush you and your foolish army within seconds, unless... you beat them.
                 * Hard and long map
                 * Non-linear
                 * Includes Alien AI V1.1
                 * Partially big map

it sends me here (check attachment)

Lost Seedling:
This page you're currently reading was an attempt by one of the members to create a link for all the maps but has long since expired many years ago. Right now there is no one page where you can download a variety of maps. You must search through the postings from the link I gave you earlier and search out individual maps in their original uploads/postings. If you look at my post here in this topic I listed almost all of the playable maps currently in existence. However, you will still need to search them out individually. Are you able to download the map files from the links I gave you and install them in the game?


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