Author Topic: Can't choose type of plant to grow  (Read 4386 times)

Dubious Drewski

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Can't choose type of plant to grow
« on: July 25, 2009, 02:35:33 AM »
When I've successfully invaded an asteroid, why can't I choose what kind of plant should grow?

Let's say I invade an asteroid with 2 normal plants and 1 defensive plant. My seedlings kill the defensive and replace it with a normal. Now this asteroid is defenseless and I have to babysit it. What a pain in the butt!

I wish I could somehow control what grows on the asteroids. It would be a whole lot more fun.


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Re: Can't choose type of plant to grow
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2009, 06:51:00 AM »
I second the idea. Would bee a nice if the previous type of tree would grow back or if you can pick and choose.


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Re: Can't choose type of plant to grow
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 10:14:53 PM »
When I've successfully invaded an asteroid, why can't I choose what kind of plant should grow?

Let's say I invade an asteroid with 2 normal plants and 1 defensive plant. My seedlings kill the defensive and replace it with a normal. Now this asteroid is defenseless and I have to babysit it. What a pain in the butt!

I wish I could somehow control what grows on the asteroids. It would be a whole lot more fun.

You don't need defensive trees to win this game. Always have one big army (200+) and fly 20+ "warriors" to asteroids when needed. I gave won all 6 levels without building a single defensive tree :P


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Re: Can't choose type of plant to grow
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 12:16:38 AM »
I think it's part of the strategy it self.
When you invade a planet with 2 normal plants and 1 defensive plant, you have 66.(6)% probability, of staying with 2 normal plants and 1 defensive plant, but there is still 33.(3)% of probability, of destroying the defensive plant, and getting a planet with 3 normal plants.

You can also let your enemy take control of the planet, for a while, then recover the planet, but that is useless.