Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Eufloria HD on Mac bugs

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I just bought a HIB and playing Eufloria. So far, this is all of my explored bugs and some of my suggestions for Eufloria HD...

I'm running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.2

Game build is in front of bug's status

I'll separate my testing into 2 parts which is my consideration that it's a bug and something I think it should be improved...

Consider a Bugs:
 - [382][Acknowledged] While winning the level, if enemy captured the asteriod, game still win.
 - [382][Acknowledged] When win the level and text is appearing, panning the game is not possible by mouse but keyboard.
 - [382][Acknowledged] Sometimes, when Team A capture the asteroid while Team B's tree is producing a seedling, the seedling will be under control of Team A (but the color still be Team B).
 - [382][Acknowledged] Panning the game while dialog box is appear (Eufloripedia, Help), game still keep panning.
 - [382][InternallyFixed] Sometimes, asteroid has no enemy but info panel show it has. If enemy come and be killed, the number of enemy still there (not reset to 0). -- This also fixed for terraforming bugs
 - [382][Acknowledged] In the last level, winning the game while panning can cause seedling panning (but not moving)

Should be improved:
 - [382][Acknowledged] Seedling cannot be seen (too small) when zoom out (while Eufloria HD on iPad is can be seen). --Additional info: While graphic is on Artsy
 - [382][Acknowledged] Low energy seedling cannot be seen (too small) until zoom in.
 - [382][Acknowledged] When try to send seedlings to faraway astroid, game try to zoom out but it's a bit shaky.

 - [Acknowledged] Hotkey for game speed is very useful (like binding with 1,2,3 on the keyboard, not numpad)

Some screenshots:
 - [Capture and Win]
 - [Animate Ending:1]
 - [Animate Ending:2]
 - [Zoom out]
 - [Normal]
 - [Zoom in]
 - [Shaky zoom: Looks like it's a normal ss of the game  :P]
 - [Invalid enemy info:1]
 - [Invalid enemy info:2]
 - [Invalid enemy info:3]

I will update this post as soon as I found a new one.

PS. Sorry for my poor English. Since, it's not my first language.

Thanks for the feedback  :)

--- Quote from: spywhere on November 09, 2012, 03:14:21 PM ---Consider a Bugs:
 - While winning the level, if enemy captured the asteriod, game still win.

--- End quote ---

Can you be more specific? Some levels don't need you to capture all the asteroids.

--- Quote --- - When win the level and text is appearing, panning the game is not possible by mouse but keyboard.
 - Panning the game while dialog box is appear (Eufloripedia, Help), game still keep panning.

--- End quote ---

We're aware of the first one. It's something we'll deal with a bit differently when we do the full versions Spring/Summer next year. For now it's kind of a neat little bug. Not so much the panning one - I'll pass that one on! Thanks :)

--- Quote --- - Sometimes, when Team A capture the asteroid while Team B's tree is producing a seedling, the seedling will be under control of Team A (but the color still be Team B).

--- End quote ---

I've not seen this. Are both teams AI or can you ever control an enemy seedling? The seedling colour is taken directly from the team it is from, so it should always attack other seedlings. However, it is possible a bug means you can tell it where to go.

--- Quote ---Should be improved:
 - Seedling cannot be seen (too small) when zoom out (while Eufloria HD on iPad is can be seen).
 - Low energy seedling cannot be seen (too small) until zoom in.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to refine the level of detail controls for the full release. This is the first time they have been used.

However, the normal LOD and high graphic detail settings are identical to everyone other than iPad 1 so it should be no different. If you use a higher level of detail you may have this problem - things start to look 'sparkly'.

From your screenshots it looks like you have High or maybe even Artsy selected. The last one is really just a bit of fun, hence why I named it Artsy! I will fix it up a bit next year :)

Thank you very much.


--- Quote ---
--- Quote from: spywhere on November 09, 2012, 03:14:21 PM ---Consider a Bugs:
 - While winning the level, if enemy captured the asteriod, game still win.

--- End quote ---
Can you be more specific? Some levels don't need you to capture all the asteroids.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, in the level that required to capture all asteroids (ah, i just forgot about that), what I mean is when 2 teams is capture each other (let's say team A is us) and when team A is captured that asteroid just a little bit before team B captured, the game is won.

Let's me say this in a list (assume that team A captured all asteroids except this last one which is own by team B)
 - Team A is going to capture team B's asteroid and team B is also going to capture team A's asteroid
 - Team A captured team B's asteroid
 - Team B captured team A's asteroid just after the above one ~500 ms ago
 - Team A won

--- Quote ---
--- Quote --- - Sometimes, when Team A capture the asteroid while Team B's tree is producing a seedling, the seedling will be under control of Team A (but the color still be Team B).

--- End quote ---

I've not seen this. Are both teams AI or can you ever control an enemy seedling? The seedling colour is taken directly from the team it is from, so it should always attack other seedlings. However, it is possible a bug means you can tell it where to go.

--- End quote ---

Yes, just right after I take note about dialog box (yeah, I note all of these while i play it) but unfortunately I did not capture the screen in time... (may be I should try to make that happen again)

I don't know but I think it might cause when the tree is destroyed and seedling going to capture that asteroid... when it's required a few seedling, enemy seeding just go into the root...

And again... I'll try to explain this in list...
 - Tree destroy (let's say it's required 10 seedlings to capture this asteroid)
 - 10 of team A's seedlings is going in the root
 - 1 of team B's seedling just going in the root right after 10 of team A
 - 10 of them successfully captured the asteroid (but 1 of team B's seedling still in the root)
 - Game try to push all seedlings in the root to the asteroid surface
 - That team B's seedling is under control of team A

--- Quote ---From your screenshots it looks like you have High or maybe even Artsy selected. The last one is really just a bit of fun, hence why I named it Artsy! I will fix it up a bit next year :)

--- End quote ---

Yes, you're right... I just set it to Artsy graphic (well, I just amaze that it has this option so I want to try it out!)

Hope you guys fix all of this soon :) (Well, you don't want to mess with the same bug all the year, right?)   And I'll keep updating this post as I found a new one :)

I think I love you and I want you to test all our games in future. You can definitely test Eufloria any time you want!

More seriously, unless a major bug happens we won't be updating anything soon other than for Android performance or Android specific bugs. The game bugs you mentioned are very minor and sometimes they can be more trouble to fix than it's worth - sometimes you also add a bug in trying to fix something unimportant. Please keep reporting them though. I like fixing bugs!

Of course we'd love to keep fixing everything straight away but we now have 5 versions to look after as well as a new game to finish soon, so we'll do all these updates in one go otherwise it becomes too difficult to push builds. I say 5 because the original PC and PS3 are under Alex May's wing. And I also say 5 but lie because we have at least 3 more platforms to do, probably 4, and possibly 5! And then there is Ouya, I have an Occulus Rift on order... Anyway...

We're on to Eufloria Adventures for now, and in a few months we'll return to Eufloria again to add the new game mode, more levels, modding options, and to polish up the PC, Mac, and Linux builds (including the level of detail stuff). You can blame Rudolf entirely because he had the insane idea to do this spin off. Although it's looking kinda interesting and cool :) Very different to Eufloria though.

I am going to check the code for taking an asteroid over - I fixed a couple of oddities that happened with that stuff. I can believe the seedling is then forced to belong to the other team although I'm surprised it didn't attack the other seedlings.

The game win situation is actually something I've thought about. There are a handful of slightly 'iffy' game win situations which I may tidy up in the scripts. Again, it's actually quite fiddly to do much about certain ones so I've tried not to worry about it. They happen so rarely and generally in the player's favour.

I think I just rambled. I still haven't had enough sleep.

Ha ha, I love you too! Feels free to ask me if you want me to test something... I'm glad to do it :)

and yeah, you're right, my reported bugs is all minor bugs (major bugs should not be seen, right?).

And please note that I'll based my report and suggestions on the old Eufloria one (the version on PC) but if you want me to check that entire new just let's me know :)


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