@lecutus88: I’m sorry, had been offline for two weeks, reinstalled Eufloria completely (several times!) and suddenly Eufloria saves its stats and prefs (correctly?) in this folder:
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Eufloria\Resources
... and now my preferences stick. Only thing that sometimes is reset are the tooltip delays, these sometimes are set back to zero, w/o my interference.
I had thought before that I’d copied these files there but to my shame I can’t remember for sure. So, I can only apologize for making you hope for some solution, I really thought I had one. What I don’t understand is why Windows doesn’t behave consistently, i.e. why it doesn’t produce the same bug in the same situation. Never had stuff like this happen on Mac OS X (sorry, can’t help noticing this).
The mystery of the missing Honourifics/Achievements still remains.
Greetings, Tom