Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

[MAP] Convergence [MAP]

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Very nice map, I like the new approach to become the winner.
I beat this one on my second try and as it turned out, I used the same strategy as Threepi. Seemes to me this is the only way to beat this one.

Haven't checked the forums for a while, so I hadn't noticed the updates... well done, thanks!

I found this to be far an away the toughest map I have ever come across - wow!   The AI is very aggressive and seems to conjure seedlings from thin air, tossing them from one 'roid to another to create intimidation and confusion in equal measure!

Well done!

Any more levels in the making, perhaps at a more sedate pace?   ;-)

Amazing what great maps have been made by the community.
This one is a must play i.m.o.
The top bar and graph are great.
They add a new layer to the game.
I know it's 2012, almost 2 years after you posted this map but I don't care: I want to thank you!
My first attempt:  :D

If anyone happens to come across this thread, here's a challenge.  Destroy every other empire completely.  It's hard, but it's possible.  By the end, I kept pressing the escape key to temporarily pause the game to survey the entire situation and determine which seedlings to move.

Here's some pointers:
1. Capture two "branches" initially, focus on the high-speed planets first to help growth.  Growth is essentially parabolic, which means that any small edge you have in the beginning will compound later on.
2. Focuse the seedlings from the two branches to capture one end "circle"
3. Fight multiple fronts while avoiding spreading too thin.
4. Avoid fighting in the middle initially.  You have a better kill ratio if you capture the planets on the periphery branches that have a lot of traffic, but low conflict.
5. Press escape to view the macro situation and use seedlings efficiently.

And here's proof:


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