Please make the engine easily configurable to assign IAI to specific empires like the Merchant engine. Also, the current engine seems unable to handle asteroids that have no trees owned by empires numbered 2 and above (at least I can't get it to work properly in those circumstances and the code seems to confirm that).
As for the frame rate, I found Infected nearly intolerable to run in larger maps (number of asteroids) or when the number of seedlings rose into the thousands. In the past year, I've run over a thousand hours of AI War simulations in every map and scenario I could think of, and if I had to run two AI's using the same resources as Infected, I couldn't do it. This probably won't be a problem with the new computer I just bought, but as Aino says, please take that into consideration. An ON/OFF "switch" in the code would be great! By the way, in the current engine, is it really necessary to run the "get number of asteroids" loop each iteration? That seems like a terrible waste of clock cycles and would improve the performance drastically if removed.
We don't yet know how Pilchard's OHAI will perform frame-rate-wise, but if it is as resource-demanding as IAI it may not be good from an AI War perspective on older computers if pitted against IAI.
On the other hand, we want the toughest human-opponent, too, so I guess you'll have to come up with a 3-way switch- one optimized for fighting humans, one for AI wars, and one for slow computers!!!