Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Bug with level 4
I found a problem with level 4 (the one I have to explore 35 asteroids).
I have explored them all, all enemies are destroyed, I have 5 trees on each asteroid - and nothing happens.
There was no indication that enemy teams have managed to achieve the goal faster than me, nor any indication of completed mission.
Screenshot is at
Ah that must be your comment on the blog. Thanks for the report - sounds like the level rules got confused or something. I'll look into it. You've definitely beaten that level though :)
not mine, actually.
Even better, that means it's fairly reproducible. Thanks again and sorry about this.
what is strange is the behaviour of the enemies - they were forming the groups that seemed to try to advance as far as they could moving past the asteroids in the inner circle. That would make sense if the assigment was "explore as much as you can". But it was actually "explore and conquer"...
Error in the scenario goal description, I guess?
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