Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods

Ipad Custom Levels?

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Flipping Heck Rudolf, didn't realise you would have a book out :P, I'm sorry I can't buy it, Let's just say the book is worth my than my bank, atm. But it seriously it looks like a good read, and I hate reading books, Honestly. Current update for you though, on my 7th Level, I wouldn't class it as DLC, I'd just class it as an Alternate Story Mode.

I might make a post in User Levels and Modifications soon under the title 'I'm so excited, And I just can't Hide it.' hahaaha giving a few pictures and that :D

This is really cool!

As Rudolf says we're not sure what we can and can't do plus we do get a bit time limited. What I will do tho is go and post a few notes on the levels bit of the forum for you level creators :)

We can't move asteroids or draw lines!

And the IsiOS() function crashes PCs.  We invented our own function that works on both. :>

And I've kinda figured out what function work, but it is limited! Not complaining though, I think first coding for iPad will get me to a beginner/intermedia coder ready for the more accessible PC version which can bring out some advanced coding!


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