Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
iPad Custom Level [HELP, Very Beginner]
It still doesn't work Aino, it's like the game automatically changes it so all asteroids are reachable
You said it crashed the game, to fix that you'll need to either change a to a unique name for each asteroid and us that as a in the LevelLogic function. Like this:
--- Code: ---IMANASTEROID = AddAsteroid(0,0)
function LevelLogic()
IMANASTEROID.SendDistance = x
--- End code ---
Or you can use GetAsteroid(ID) and change the senddistance in LevelLogic.
THE POINT IS: do it in LevelLogic as I believe it has a greater chance of success.
Okay I will try this, Thank you for the help I am currently having throuble with something I experimented on...
--- Code: --- if GetAsteroid(a):GetNumSeedlings() = 60 and GetNumDysonTrees() = 4 then
Message("You now have 60 seedlings, lets expand this Empire.~Notice the Asteroid to the left - Take it.", true, 1.0, "Centre")
b = GetAsteroid(0)
b = GetEmpire(1)
b = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(1432,4523, 0.6,0.1,0.5)
b.Owner = 0
b.TreeCap = 2
b.Moveable = false
--- End code ---
I want to spawn an asteroid if the number of seedlings on asteroid a is 60 and the number of dyson trees is 4
That is in the LevelLogic, this is wrong :P
The only thing you should be doing in LevelLogic is to change the senddistance, creating asteroids still belongs in LevelSetup :)
Yes, but what if I didn't want the asteroid at the start? So i wanted it to magically pop up after the seedlings and dyson trees are met on asteroid a?
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