Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What are you working on? :D

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What are all you guys working on right now? :>
Lets have a thread for this sort of stuff mayhaps...  rather than everyone posting in their own individual dev blog threads.

mayhaps?!! hah - i like it!

im working on... thinking about... possibly... designing a new level.. sometime soon :D

EUCLiD, and a chemistry comp.

Trying to bodge together a map consisting of three planetoids, each surrounded by a dozen or so moonlets. The idea is that each moon system should work more-or-less like a small map with one or more close enough to send to the much larger asteroid they surround. Each of the larger asteroids would have a send distance that could reach the outer moons of the other two systems but not the main asteroid itself.

The basic idea is to have at least one empire starting in the moons of each system and (if I can make it work adequately) a steadily increasing number of greys on the central 'roid. All the asteroids' stats would be influenced by scale (including the tree cap) so hopefully I can balance it to have an initial empire-building phase followed by a late-game three-way war. I'm not sure, the main 'roids might need to be dramatically weakened, in relative terms. And it all depends on getting the map laid out adequately in the first place.. the map I plotted on graph paper was too small to take remotely accurate measurements  :-\


--- Quote from: Widget on February 02, 2011, 02:48:07 AM ---Trying to bodge together a map consisting of three planetoids, each surrounded by a dozen or so moonlets. The idea is that each moon system should work more-or-less like a small map with one or more close enough to send to the much larger asteroid they surround. Each of the larger asteroids would have a send distance that could reach the outer moons of the other two systems but not the main asteroid itself.

The basic idea is to have at least one empire starting in the moons of each system and (if I can make it work adequately) a steadily increasing number of greys on the central 'roid. All the asteroids' stats would be influenced by scale (including the tree cap) so hopefully I can balance it to have an initial empire-building phase followed by a late-game three-way war. I'm not sure, the main 'roids might need to be dramatically weakened, in relative terms. And it all depends on getting the map laid out adequately in the first place.. the map I plotted on graph paper was too small to take remotely accurate measurements  :-\

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dude, this idea is similar to what i wanted to do. i cant wait to see it. as you say, if you can get the balancing right, it should be most excellent. i wish you luck.
looking forward to its eventual release...


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