Author Topic: Compilation of Level Design Info  (Read 5652 times)


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Compilation of Level Design Info
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:58:39 AM »
In an effort to gather all of the information needed to write new, functional, levels for Dyson, I’ve made a listing of all of the various variables for Dyson as collected from the F2 menu in the debug mode.  I’m trying to collect a definition of all of these variables as well as min/max values that can be used for each without causing errors.  I’ve put the definitions I’ve been able to figure out or guess in.  Please let me know if I’m wrong about any of these.  ?’s surround my guesses, I’d like confirmation or correction regarding these.  I will update this with any info I get.

   MAXIMUMSPEED = self descriptive
   MINIMUMSPEED = self descriptive (I’ve had errors when I’ve tried to adjust this)
   ATTACKREPEATTIME =? time between attacks?
   MINIMUMAGENTDAMAGE = self descriptive
    MAXIMUMAGENTDAMAGE = self descriptive
   MINIMUMDESIREDALTITUDE =? controls how close to an asteroid seedlings will orbit? (out of combat)
   MAXIMUMDESIREDALTITUDE =? controls how close to an asteroid seedlings will orbit? (out of combat)
   ATTACKAGENTDISTANCE =? range of a seedlings attack?
   ATTACKSOUNDVOLUME = self descriptive
    MINIMUMHEALTH = self descriptive
   MAXIMUMHEALTH = self descriptive
   REGENERATE =? Health recovered per tick?
   TURNRATE =? Controls how fast the seedlings can turn? (not adjusting this may have caused my MINSPEED errors)

   VOLUME =?
   MAXTREES = maximum number of trees per asteroid
   MINRADIUS = determines asteroid size (see below*)
   MAXRADIUS = determines asteroid size (see below*)
   SIZEFROMENERGY = determines asteroid size (see below*)
   SIZEFROMSTRENGTH = determines asteroid size (see below*)
   SIZEFROMSPEED = determines asteroid size (see below*)
   MINSENDDISTANCE = minimum range for seedling sending from an asteroid
   MAXSENDDISTANCE = maximum range for seedling sending from an asteroid

* The formula for asteroid radius is (I’m guessing): 

RADIUS = Asteroid Radius
EN = Energy stat of asteroid
SPD = Speed stat of asteroid
STR= Strength stat of asteroid

   MINTICK =? Minimum time between AI moves?
   MAXTICK =? Maximum time between AI moves?
   GRACE = Time before AI can move (in seconds)

   COST = Cost (in seedlings) per tree
   MINHEALTH = self descriptive
   MAXHEALTH = self descriptive
   FULLAGEDAMAGEMULTIPLIER =? Damage reduction for being a full grown tree?
   ZEROAGEDAMAGEMULTIPLIER =? Damage reduction (or increase) for being a newborn tree?
   REGENRATE =? HP regenerated per tick?
   LEVELDURATION1 =? Seconds before becoming a level 1 tree?
   LEVELDURATION2 =? Seconds before becoming a level 2 tree?
   LEVELDURATION3 =? Seconds before becoming a level 3 tree?
   LEVELDURATION4 =? Seconds before becoming a level 4 tree?
   SPAWNTIME1 =? Seconds between seedling spawning for a level 1 tree?
   SPAWNTIME2 =? Seconds between seedling spawning for a level 2 tree?
   SPAWNTIME3 =? Seconds between seedling spawning for a level 3tree?
   SPAWNTIME4 =? Seconds between seedling spawning for a level 4tree?

   AMMOAVAILABLE1 =? Seconds between missile spawning for a level 1 defense tree?
   AMMOAVAILABLE2 =? Seconds between missile spawning for a level 1 defense tree?
   AMMOAVAILABLE3 =? Seconds between missile spawning for a level 1 defense tree?
   AMMOAVAILABLE4 =? Seconds between missile spawning for a level 1 defense tree?
   DAMAGEMIN = self descriptive
   DAMAGEMAX = self descriptive
   MINSPEED = self descriptive
   MAXSPEED = self descriptive
   TURNRATE =? Rate of missile turning?

   EXTRAVIEW =? Range beyond conquered asteroids you can scroll to see?

   ENEMYFACTIONSMIN = minimum number of enemy factions that spawn at start
   ENEMYFACTIONSMAX = maximum number of enemy factions that spawn at start
   BELTRADIUS = radius from the invisible center star the asteroid belt will form
   BELTWIDTH = width of the belt (?make the same as BELTRADIUS for a cloud of asteroids rather than a ring?)
   ASTEROIDS = number of asteroids spawned at start (?does this include scripted asteroids or are they in addition to this?)
   MINASTEROIDSEPARATION = minimum distance between asteroids
   STARTINGSEEDLINGS = starting seedlings for each of the enemy factions (unless otherwise scripted)
   STARTINGSEEDLINGSPLAYER = starting seedlings for the player
   MAXASTEROIDNEIGHBOURDIST =?maximum distance between asteroids? (shouldn’t be higher than MINSENDDISTANCE or you may have unreachable asteroids)
   GRAYSPROBABILITY =? Percent probability of non-faction owned asteroids having neutral units MIN/MAX: 0(for none)/100(for all)
   GRAYSMIN =? Minimum number of neutral units on spawned on an asteroid?
   GRAYSMAX =? Maximum number of neutral units on spawned on an asteroid?

   MUSIC = on (1) or off (0) can be changed in options menu
   TOOLTIPTIME = ? time before tooltip shows up (in seconds) can be set in options menu
   AUTOHIDE = on (1) or off (0) can be changed in options menu
   FULLSCREEN= on (1) or off (0) can be changed in options menu
   FONTSIZE =? Size of font for game messages?
   PLAYERCOLOUR =? Set player color.  Set this to change the choice the player made in the game’s main menu?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 02:00:38 AM by Unre9istered »


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Compilation of Level Design Info
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 12:54:56 AM »
Thanks Nick for all the info,
You have been a great help
Ill get that ct-20 of that 2c motor and try it out.
Will post a reply on how it went.
Thanks again
Mike :beer: