Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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is there a way to...

... enable the roids to very gradually grow in size, and when it reaches a particular size, the tree capacity is increased by 1. i think it would work as a percentage, so once it increases by say, 50% of its initial size, add 1 tree capacity. then again at 25% of its new size, etc....

??? looking at you here for guidance?!


You can change the radius of asteroids over time by changing their radius property, so yes you can do that.

If you're changing the radius over time, you could do it by having a variable called roidradius.  If you wanted to do this for all the asteroids and not just one, you could make roidradius an array.  Then you would have a slot for each asteroid.  So roidradius[0] would be the variable referring to the radius you will set for asteroid ID 0.  roidradius[1] would be the radius for asteroid ID 1, and so on.

You can change the number of tree slots an asteroid has available mid-game by changing the properties of the asteroid.  To do it based on the size, you could run a check on the roidradius.  Something like this:

--- Code: ---for i = 0,roidnumber do
treenumber[i] = roidradius[i] / 200

GetAsteroid(i).TreeCap = treenumber
--- End code ---

treenumber[] will usually end up being a non-integer, but I think LUA converts it to the closest integer automatically.

Anyway yeah this is totally possible.

This thread is for requests for new scripting commands mod features, better to take questions about level design to a new thread.  :>

Could someone tell me it if's possible to get the campaign to visually look like dark matter??

Made a proper list for this now, see my post up at the top.


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