Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Static Limit on Seed Production

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--- Quote from: Jamis on March 22, 2009, 04:02:16 AM ---(sadly no, there is no waypoint system as of yet)
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I think they were planning on working on a long-range moving solution. Drag seedlings from one asteriod to another across the map, and they'll bounce from one asteroid to the next as they make the journey.

--- Quote from: Jamis on March 22, 2009, 04:02:16 AM ---Seeds are immortal.  Once produced, they no longer require any sustenance from their mother asteroid, or any other asteroids, and that seeds are immortal until they die in combat or choose to become trees.  Like trees, they can get their sustenance from the sun.
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Except that there's no sun in this game. Of course, we could just make it an axiom, but a strategy game needs to have limits on the units you produce. C&C, for instance - there's a finite amount of tiberium/gold on the map, and when that's gone, you're reduced to either selling buildings or securing the production points, which churn out resources at a much lower rate.

Or AoE, where in a long enough game, you could capture all resources on a map. Or Rise of Nations, where your harvesting speeds are capped based on the characteristics of your race/level of technology.

If you assume that Dyson trees will behave at least in part like they were originally designed (by Freeman Dyson), then they will have to deplete the resources of the asteroids as they go. This means that you would capture an asteroid, plant seedling trees, and over time, drain the core energy of the asteroid. When it's dead, your trees petrify, and that's the end of it.

This not only forces you to expand (like in all other strategy games), but it also places much greater emphasis on unit management. Just globbing together all your seedlings and sending them against a single asteroid may not be a good idea if they're a limited resource.

I know that currently, asteroids are captured when the core energy is depleted, but it could just as well be when the old root systems are destroyed, or all the trees and seedlings are cleared.

--- Quote from: brandan on March 22, 2009, 03:06:39 AM ---i think it's interesting that such a simple game has spawned pseudo-philosophizing on the physical constraints of a virtual universe!!!!!!!!1111
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We exhausted that discussion already, lol:


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