Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Psn gets it first

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Just thought someone might be interested...


--- Quote from: Avaguard on December 05, 2011, 08:43:59 AM ---i Gues from the video that psn players get a newer version of the eufloria first. I dont want to complain to much but eufloria was started on pc wasn't it. i just wonder when the time pc players get to experience the newest of eufloria. i cant wait  ???  :P .any one agree .well :: point being when do pc players get the update

--- End quote ---

Next few months! We've fixed some of the stuff that wasn't right in the shipped PSN version as well. That will come back to PSN in a patch first of course, but PC users will get the newest stuff at some point in the next few months :)

@Alex: Care to define “next” and “few” just a little less vaguely? ;)

And perhaps an ETA for the OS X version?

And … looking forward to beta-testing the iOS version. There’s virtual saliva oozing out of several orifices of my iPad 2 ;D

"next" - proceeding

"few" less than... three? less than three

OSX maybe less than five months?

These are estimates!

Dear Alex, thank you for your … heartwarmingness :)

Estimates are wonderful are estimates. As in Estimated Time of Arrival. And, well, be it half a year, or be it six months ;D or seven … at least that’s somewhat within sight, I intend to still be alive around then :D

27" iMac and 13" MBP here are ready for beta :D as is iPad 2 (already reg’d)

Peace and thanks,



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