Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Level 17: Hide and Seek
Maybe I'm missing something entirely, but I can't get past the Hide and Seek level. The game tells me that I can't stay on my home base, and I must flee...but...I can't GET anywhere that doesn't already have 50+ enemies. And they destroy me in seconds. And then my home base gets taken. And I lose. Even if I head to the planet of the empire who attacked me (whose base is now empty), they just take my planet, then come back for me (and usually left a mine plant on their home planet, too).
Mh, I’ve also tried to win this level perhaps 7 times, no chance. No fun. BTW IIRC it is level 18.
I'll look into it, it seems weird as I have won this level many times. Maybe a bug snuck into my level code.
Will report back asap.
Just now I played hide and seek twice and won twice. I think the only time it is unwinnable is when the asteroid of the first invasion force has already planted a defense tree by the time you arrive.
(click to show/hide)You do know there are friendly seedlings to disover in this level?
Also, I assume you mean level 18, not 17?
Mh, I played 7 times, every time the enemy had planted a defense tree, and after I had conquered that asteroid only few of my seedlings were left.
(click to show/hide)Then I went to the asteroid w/ my friendly seedlings—sure I know about them (having played the game several times from beginning!) and fondly remember the times when they were super seedlings ;)—and chased them to my bigger asteroid, but then the enemy (sometimes several enemies) already furiously attacked w/ their many and much stronger seedlings so I had no chance <sob>
I, too, am having a LOT of difficulty on this level. I don't know how may times I have attempted it (more than 7) but I cannot come up with anything that works. I thought it was me - maybe not? :)
It's definitely put a damper on the game for me - I had been steaming ahead.
Beautiful game, btw. Love it.
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