Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What Hardcoded Limits Exist in Dyson?

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What file did you edit to get the # of allowed trees edited? I wanna make it a tad higher then it is atm, ( 4 right? )


--- Quote from: adrolak on January 01, 2010, 08:51:33 AM ---What file did you edit to get the # of allowed trees edited? I wanna make it a tad higher then it is atm, ( 4 right? )

--- End quote ---
The number of trees per asteroid is a level-dependent variable. Even though there are many levels with a maximum of 4, that is not the only value. In the campaign level Badlands, for example, you can only build 1 tree per asteroid.

I found planting more than about 200 trees on an asteroid induces a crash.  I assumed it was just the game trying to grab too much memory too quickly or something, heh.  I think I would almost have been disappointed if I couldn't crash it :P

Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of If loops you can have in each While loop?

I have discovered that putting beyond about 20 Ifs in a While loop generally causes things to stop working.  It seems better to use While to create delays between actions, and just use the sequential nature of Function Level Logic to sequence the events in your level.

So that is a hard limit, sort of.

Another I have discovered today is a hard limit on send range.  I don't seem to be able to get the send range of an asteroid below 500.  It seems like 500 is the minimum.


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