I need help to unlock the Hero achievement. I'm fairly sure I rescued more than 700 lost seedlings:
9 in Green Shoots,
57 in Forest,
60 in One Hundred, on a lone roid south west of starting area, beyond the grays' roids,
48 in Protection, spread across 3 different roids, (at least 12 and 16 SW of starting area and 20 on a big roid to the North)
200 in Critical Mass, 100 on each of the huge roids,
150 in Liberation,
at least 80 in Hide And Seek,
and ~140 in Badlands (Not sure about this one, I went as fast as I could, I explored the whole map in less than 2 minutes, I counted 7 roids with lost seedlings, each of them having around 20 seedlings)
For a total of ~744 lost seedlings rescued, and no dice.
Anyone here knows of more levels with lost seedlings I could have missed? Or am I doing something wrong? Do I have to keep them alive 'til the end of the mission or are is the Maximum Lost Seedlings Rescued variable updated only under specific conditions?