Remove lines 38-45 of your code. "AI 1" is the player!
GetAI(1).Cowardice = 0.25
GetAI(1).MinExpansionForce = 30
GetAI(1).BattleSavvy = 0.1
GetAI(1).ReinforcementGreed = 0.3
GetAI(1).GreedyExpansion = 0.2
GetAI(1).AidEnthusiasm = 0.1
GetAI(1).ExpandBlind = 0.5
GetAI(1).ExpandToValuableAsteroidChance = 0.2
Also, in your comments, you first have this asteroid:
--Gods Asteroid
a = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(0,0, 1.0,1.0,1.0)
...then you add these asteroids:
-- Asteriod 0 - starting asteriod
-- Asteriod 1
-- Asteroid 2
Those are NOT asteroids 0, 1 and 2, they are asteroids 1, 2, and 3. "God's Asteroid" is asteroid 0, because you created it first.
So your asteroids should be thus:
Gods Asteroid (which is really Asteroid 0)
Asteroid 1
Asteroid 2
Asteroid 3
I would advise to change your comments to be like these, so that for any "GetAsteroid( )" commands you do later you can just look at the list of asteroids in function LevelSetup() and it will be easy to tell which asteroid you want to refer to. :>