Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Lua scripting in Eufloria - reference

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Okay, so I've gone through the Eufloria.exe file and found a lot of function names that look familiar, so I'm going to assume that all of the functions which are bound in lua are in the executable.

I've attached the (formatted) list of function names which I found. I'm going to try using some of these in a game and see how it goes.

Edit: I have done some more digging, and I think I have a bit more worked out. Lua allows developers to create bindings to C/C++ data structures using something called the userdata datatype. Eufloria seems to have a few of these things defined, such as Eufloria.Music, Eufloria.Asteroid, and Eufloria.Attributes. These userdata types can have functions and parameters associated with them. I have attached a listing of the userdata structures as I understand them so far.

Awesome!! :D

Nice job dude :>

Nice work :D

I can bind in more lua stuff for later releases. Sorry I haven't given more detailed docs by now.

If you have AI variables that determine how soon the AI performs a specific action, like MINPLANTTIME and MAXPLANTTIME, what does MINTICK and MAXTICK do now? Does it start the timer of the other AI variables?

We're not sure, unfortunately.. :>


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