Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
[Map Maker] EVE
Here's an image of how the Command Lister and Frame Counter looks. The Command Lister is used to find commands, as you can see there are currently TWO commands, for showing and hiding the components(Commands Lister and Frame Counter). The Frame Counter simply counts the frames(pink) and ticks(blue). The ticks is how often the PC checks for a new frame to render, and the frame is an update of the screen. There isn't much map making yet; I just wanted the GUI to be easily modifiable, so I needed to spend some time on it.
The nice thing about the new version is I fixed the static window, you can now interact with the window as if it's a completely normal window.
Also: the Command Lister's colors are not set. I think the current colors stands out too much, but I can't do anything about it right now! :)
Lost Seedling:
I realize it's difficult for a programmer to create a user-interface that is dumbed-down enough so that even the most clueless user can figure out how to use it, but seeing as how I have no idea what you just wrote and what it means, I hope you give us a chance to test this thing out along the way so we can let you know what is working for us and what isn't. You're obviously putting a lot of effort into this, Aino, and I'd hate to see it fail to meet your expectations later because you've made some false assumptions early on about those of us who will eventually want to use it. I'm assuming you want it to be useable by as many people as possible.
When you think it's ready, please put it out for testing like you did the previous version of EVE. Let us help you make this the go-to map-creator for Eufloria!
--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on June 18, 2014, 01:47:08 PM ---I realize it's difficult for a programmer to create a user-interface that is dumbed-down enough so that even the most clueless user can figure out how to use it, but seeing as how I have no idea what you just wrote and what it means, I hope you give us a chance to test this thing out along the way so we can let you know what is working for us and what isn't. You're obviously putting a lot of effort into this, Aino, and I'd hate to see it fail to meet your expectations later because you've made some false assumptions early on about those of us who will eventually want to use it. I'm assuming you want it to be useable by as many people as possible.
When you think it's ready, please put it out for testing like you did the previous version of EVE. Let us help you make this the go-to map-creator for Eufloria!
--- End quote ---
I will release it as I create it, don't worry.
I'm also counting on input from you guys: I was hoping I could make this for the community, not for me :)
I've added the tool list again, this time much more flexible. Just create a new tool, add it in the list and there it is :)
Just out of this, there are a ton of new and more stuff that can be added. I'm not just talking about adding and removing asteroid and changing their stats, I'm talking about new stuff like custom rendering, setting up engines(Annikk's Gravity Engine for example), and creating event tools, and maybe more? :)
It would be epic to see people creating things for the editor once it's ready for it. Sadly you would need to learn java, but I can try help anyone who got questions :)
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