Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support
Where's the manual for this game?
What does the "high density" option do?
This is for the pre-release version of Eufloria (a pdf comes with the game and mentions this).
If you have a high density display - a retina display in other words - it adjusts a few things to account for the smaller pixel size.
Also, for Eufloria classic you can find a manual in your installation directory. :-)
I purchased the Mac version as part of the HIB, and I didn't see anything in the package that described this setting.
As per the thread, there isn't a manual for the pre-release but the setting is as described here. On retina displays, i.e. high density ones (retina is an apple term I think), we resize some UI and game elements as otherwise they'd be too small simply due to the pixel density.
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