Eclipse-BIn this expanded sequel to the Eclipse map, you will encounter thousands of randomly- generated asteroid fields as well as unique, manually-constructed map designs. Eclipse-B is extremely modifiable and chock-full of features to make your game-experience a pleasing one. If you enjoy observing AI battles, Eclipse-B is particularly well-suited to that pursuit. Whether you want to just observe, or wish to test your skills against the AI opponents, endless challenges await you in
Features:Map Preview
Selectable opponents
Connections toggle/options
Eclipse-mode toggle
Selectable Background and Connections colors
Introducing "Resources" grid- monitor and compare asteroid attribute-ratios per Empire
Frames-per-second monitor
Leaderboard grid courtesy of Aino
Auto map-centering and map-zooming
Asteroid field shape adapts to screen dimensions
Charts toggle
Asterstats toggle
Moveable display grids with screen memory
"Alerts" options/toggle- pauses game at significant milestones- perfect for AI war scenarios
End-game performance reports
Map-save option for replaying your favorite map configurations
Setting-save option for customizing your screen layout to your personal preference
Other features awaiting your discovery
Notes:Due to severe and unresolvable problems in keeping the native Eufloria AI from interfering with the user-created AI’s, I eliminated that option entirely from this map. While some of this map’s features can severely stretch the limits of your computer memory and the game itself, even to the point where the game shuts down completely, I have tried to limit the size of the asteroid fields to remain under or close to 100 asteroids. If you want, you can adjust the designated code options and create maps with hundreds of asteroids (my computer’s practical limit was around 400). As this time of publication, I am not sure how successfully it will run on most computers. Fortunately, all of the “extras” can be turned on or off as needed, as some put more of a drain on performance than others. A little experimentation will tell you how many asteroids your computer can handle and so you can then skip over those particular maps as they are previewed.
Please let me know how this map performs and notify me of any problems or requests for additional features. I will only be able to provide “support” and “fixes” for a very short time, although I may add custom maps sporadically in the future.
Lost Seedling
Fixes/Updates:09/15/15 Ver 1.0Eclipse-B Published. No known issues.