Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
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Right, welcome to the new forum! Simple Machines Forum is used by such notable sites as TIGSource and Zombie Cow Studios and they never seem to get spam. So there!
--- Quote from: Alex on January 12, 2009, 05:53:11 AM ---
--- Quote from: portfot ---
See the answerclick here. Want to seemore pics?
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Sexy Halloween Cosplay
Seung Mina from Soul Calibur 2
--- End quote ---
Maybe I can get with this kind of spam.
Hmm. Maybe not hehe
--- End quote ---
Maybe we should let more spam like this in the forum :P
After a second thought, maybe not.
Regarding spambots, I had great success in getting rid of them on an SMF forum I administer by using an addon called Anti Bot: Unrecognisable Form
Maybe it can help here too :>
Can you add a thing so that you can see what you have sent to people in private messages? I just sent one and I can't remember if I mentioned something in it and wanted to check, but there is no way to do so.
There is - it's just not on by default. When you send a PM, there should be a 'save copy in Outbox' option. click it to save a copy of that message only. You can also set it to always do that in your profile, under 'Personal Messag options'.
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