Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Experimental Lab

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The forum is way too dead now :/

And Annikk seems to have disappeared, hope he returns though :)
I am busy doing Java, maybe I'll share what I've made for now?

The map though, eye-candy!
Also, Seedling, maybe you want to look into atan2? Useful for angles, especially if you want to program in the future too :D

Lost Seedling:
If there was more activity or interest in the forum, I might be willing to spend time creating more maps, but I guess the "classic" pc Eufloria has run it's course, so to speak, and there is no point in investing my time and effort into more programming. From what I read here, the new pc version will not be as accessible to modifications, so the map-making for me is at its end. It was fun and challenging learning how to write code and solving problems, but I have no interest in moving on to other platforms or languages. There are too many other areas of interest to pursue with my limited time.

Whoa there partner! The pc version has NOT run its course, Alex is working hard to get all the PSN advances back into the pc build.
We are also going to release a Mac and hopefully a Linux port so I hope we will see more activity once these new releases start appearing. :-)

Furthermore, we suspect that we will see a big influx of new players soon, which means the Eufloria audience will suddenly have players that have never seen all the mods. :-)

I know Alex and I have not been spending a lot of time on the forum, but that is simply because we are working so hard to get all the new stuff in. I shall definitely update more once things calm down again. :-) (Started doing that anyway)

Oh, and the iPad release is coming as well of course!! We may or may not somehpw plug mods into that eventually, cant say at this stage, but if we do it will be pretty cool. We got some ideas on how we can include community efforts in the future but it is too early to share ideas. Keep an eye on the forum though!


Yea, I come back every now and then, but real life happens too. No programming for me. :(

Lost Seedling:
Well that is very good news if the NEW PC version will be modable like the current version, but I believe that the "old", or current, version will naturally be less popular as time goes on and particularly once the "new" PC version is released.  If the current mods and user-made maps are not easily transferable to the new PC version, then I for one would prefer to wait and make maps for the new version rather than spend time working on the old one.

This is all very exciting for all of us who love Eufloria and would like the whole world to enjoy it. Strictly addressing the map and mod-making community aspects, however, I personally will wait and see how the new PC version develops before continuing to invest my time in those endeavors. Besides, I'll need someone like Annikk to simplify any new programming language with another Beginner's Guide!                                                                                                            


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