Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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If I had to pick one thing I want implemented into LUA, I'd say that the code for telling what an empire's colour scheme is would suffice. All you would need is the line


and you could do quite a few things with that. For instance, you could colour the background to match whoever's winning at that point in the game. Plus it's seems as though it should be fairly easy to implement, so I thought I'd just mention that first. More coming soon...

...hopefully.  :P

And, of course:

Ha! Didn't think of that Pilchard. :)

Oh, and I've thought up another thing you could add into the code; a line stating whether an asteroid is traversable by the AI, aka, allowed to send seedlings there or not.

GetAsteroid(ID).TraversableBy(Empire ID) = true/false

Doesn't have to be worded like that, but if it is, I can take credit for it. 8)


--- Quote from: Sniped50 on July 18, 2010, 08:25:25 PM ---GetAsteroid(ID).TraversableBy(Empire ID) = true/false

--- End quote ---

would it easily to the place where he can not come to coordination
like this? :

--- Code: ---GetAsteroid(ID).Traverblock( Empire ID, x, y)
--- End code ---

or better said :

--- Code: ---GetEmpire(ID).Traverblock( x, y)
--- End code ---

or just :

--- Code: ---GetEmpire(ID).Traverblock(GetAsteroid(ID))
--- End code ---


--- Quote ---would it easily to the place where he can not come to coordination like this?

--- Code: ---GetAsteroid(ID).Traverblock( Empire ID, x, y)
--- End code ---
or better said :

--- Code: ---GetEmpire(ID).Traverblock( x, y)
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

Maybe. But if it is put in there, I doubt people with gravity maps will use it becuase static x and y coordinates become moot when the asteroid in question keeps moving. Plus, it's difficult to line up your x,y coords with the asteroid you'd like to influence anyway, even when they're not moving. Like in your third suggestion, using GetAsteroid(ID) would be the simplest, easiest and quickest method of doing it.

Besides, I like my suggestion better. I can take credit for it, you see.  8)


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