Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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I think that's a spambot. I've deleted all his/its posts, but feel free to tell me otherwise. In fact, please do, we need more people around here!

Andrew, what's 25 + 4?

[random joke]Pilchard, make some easier questions for the spambots, they will fail on their exams otherwise :/[/random joke]

@Pilchard: What made you think he’s a spambot? Where there the usual odd links in signature or profile? I just faintly remember having seen one or two posts and can’t remember to have seen a link there … otherwise I’d also have deleted them (and the acct too).

IMHO it would be nice if we—the folks who have the license to kill spammers— could meet in an internal (i.e. closed) board …

The posts didn't fit their context. The first post (was above) was the only plausible one, and it was in the middle of a thread with no mention of the content of the thread. They all were generic looks-quite-human-but-isn't-really posts. The second two were double-posted and they didn't even make sense. Like I said, I hope it's not, perhaps I was being a little over-cautious.

And Aino, the question is deleberately easy. It's simple enough that anyone could answer it, but it's not in a place that bots would expect to find a question, so probably wouldn't answer it.

Pilchard, note the [random joke] brackets :P


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