Eufloria > Eufloria Classic



ab aeterno:
So what are some strategies you guys use in your games? I imagine we're pretty similar in our methods, but it's still interesting to hear someone else's ideas.

For me, i usually conquer a secondary asteroid from my first and began shoveling seedlings from the first onto the second and build up a good force, while using a core group of about 30 or 40 seedlings to scout and take over new territory.

And, if anybody wants help with the gameplay just ask here =D

Personally, level 5 is the hardest for me.

That's pretty much the only method. Surrounding an asteroid with friendly asteroids makes them invincible. Dyson doesn't have much potential for strategy yet.

ab aeterno:
well there's definitely potential for strategy it's just that the game loses alot of it's challenge once you've built up to about 5 or 6 good well-cultivated asteroids.


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