Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Dyson in PCGAMER

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As i am a subscriber to PCGAMER i got my copy a week before general release, and inside i found an article on Dyson and it was on the DVD I then played on it and became hooked. Good job making it guys.

Heres the article:

EDIT: Well theres a .jpeg.

Don't posts images as bitmaps please.


--- Quote from: "crazy" ---As i am a subscriber to PCGAMER i got my copy a week before general release, and inside i found an article on Dyson and it was on the DVD I then played on it and became hooked. Good job making it guys.

Heres the article: [img]xxximg]

EDIT: Well theres a .jpeg.
--- End quote ---

Oh brilliant, we had no idea Crazy, thanks for telling us.
Nice one

Wow, that is seriously awesome. Thanks so much crazy! That's really made my weekend!  


--- Quote ---Oh brilliant, we had no idea Crazy, thanks for telling us.
Nice one ;) ) Anyway glad to make you happy   .
--- End quote ---


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