Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Lua scripting in Eufloria - reference

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--- Quote ---These are the most important functions and fields available to you as a scripter (there are tons more but listing them all would take ages and confuse people):
--- End quote ---

If documenting the remaining functions would take too long, would it be possible for you to provide us with a list of the remaining functions without descriptions, so that we can at least experiment with them without having to try and guess their names?

I think it's probably a bit more complicated than simply copying and pasting a list over.  I know that Alex is extremely busy with various stuff right now, maybe in a month or so he will get time to make a nice list for us :>  I agree it would be cool to know what else it's possible to do..

If you feel really hardcore you can extract all strings from the executable to try and find commands. How about the extremely useful function PlayWinSound? ;D


--- Quote ---If you feel really hardcore you can extract all strings from the executable to try and find commands.
--- End quote ---

I've already been doing this a little bit, but the trick is to find the functions which have lua bindings, too. For example, I want to move an asteroid, but none of the position-related function strings I can find seem to have lua bindings.

I'm not that hardcore :<


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