Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods

Ipad Custom Levels?

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Yeah i'm playing my custom levels in the ipad

Rudolf, if you wanted to know how to do it, i'll create a quick guide? I mean, when i've done creating my custom story mode, which i've done 4/20 levels so far, I will upload them here

Hahaha, Rudolf, you & Co. don’t even seem to know what good you’re doing :D

Eh? hha


--- Quote from: Tomfloria on May 11, 2012, 10:53:43 PM ---Rudolf, if you wanted to know how to do it, i'll create a quick guide? I mean, when i've done creating my custom story mode, which i've done 4/20 levels so far, I will upload them here

--- End quote ---

Wahay a whole new campaign sounds wonderful.

And yes please. Let us know how you did it?


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