Eufloria Arts ProjectDo you want to add some illustrations to your map? Do you want to learn how to manipulate the Drawing Functions available to map-makers in Eufloria? Do you just want to have fun drawing pictures?
If you answer "Yes" to any of those questions, then download the Eufloria Arts Project!
Features:The Eufloria Arts Project allows you to quickly transform the Draw Functions available to map-makers into complex images you can immediately install into your map. Every parameter is instantly adjustable- Color, Alpha values, Size, Border, Width, or Coordinates. Explore the workings of "DrawLine", "DrawTexLine", "DrawBox", and the "DrawSprite" functions, along with the available "ID" numbers.
Work in ScreenDraw mode or LevelDraw mode and easily save the drawings you like or erase the ones you do not.
Immediately view the Function parameters numerically change as you transform the image.
Use the Grid coordinate systems and/or the three crosshair options to aid in positioning your drawing.
Have fun with the special "Chain Draw" feature which will allow you to create "free form" drawings without the restrictions imposed by the native Draw Functions!
Save your drawings as either individual functions, or as arrays (or both!) in a text file. Then simply copy and paste directly into your map without any further coding necessary.
Instructions:Install into the same folder as your other User-made maps and play as a regular Eufloria Map. Download the attached User Manual for further instructions/details.
Notes:I tried to eliminate any bugs, but no doubt something will manifest itself. If you find any errors or experience any crashes or anomalies please let me know immediately so that I can fix it!
If you find this program useful and have suggestions for improvement or additions, please let me know. If you have any questions, please ask. It's my hope that map-makers will use it to create some maps!!
Also, if you create any pictures or anything you'd like me to include in the "sample" section, please post or send me the code and I'll include it in any future updates. Or, just post them in this thread. I'd like to see what the artistically talented can do!!!
Have Fun!