Author Topic: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant  (Read 8350 times)


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Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« on: March 21, 2009, 05:08:37 AM »

I have a new board here that I think you all will enjoy.

The game has but one objective...conquer all 9 asteroids in the middle while retaining your starting base to win.

There are a few ways to go about massing up enough forces to do so, and I'll leave those to you to figure out.

The enemies are numerous, and as you approach the central asteroid, the enemies will get stronger and stronger.

Here are some of the game settings I've tweaked:
Trees are tougher with more hitpoints.
Seed attack range is greatly increased.
Seed attack damage is modified to accommodate for increased range.
As with all Jamis boards, defensive trees are a force to be reckoned with.

The level file is included with the post.  Inside the file, I have done my best to document the important things that some of you might find helpful.

I hope you all enjoy it.



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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 10:47:36 AM »
Thanks dude, one of the things I want to do soon is supply a bunch of user levels with the game, or at least put in an interface for people to load them separately from the supplied levels.


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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 04:54:34 PM »
That was an amazing level. The well laid out positioning and pretty tight starting area makes for a pretty good challenge.


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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 03:34:43 PM »
Great level.  Very nice challenge.

The only gripe I have is that the defensive trees seemed a bit strong.  You had to have quite a force (or get lucky in my case) in order to take a planet with at least 1 D-tree.  But I guess that made the initial part of the game more interesting.

The other thing I noticed was kind of a bug.  I haven't seen it in other levels, otherwise I'd post it in the Bugs forum.

Not sure if you can see it clearly, but this planet (controlled by light/lime green) just bought a Defensive tree and it hasn't even sprouted yet, however it has released several defensive seeds right away.  I had this happen multiple times on this level.  It happened with me and the AI controlled planets.

Anyways, great game.  I'm working on my own level and hope to upload it soon :).

Edit:  Nevermind.  Found a similar post in the bug formus related to the same thing I saw.  Oh well.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 03:37:04 PM by spoonmaster »


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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 09:48:48 PM »
The defensive trees are super strong for a reason.  If they're not strong, then a force of about 100 seedlings can pretty much take over any asteroid in seconds no matter how many defenders are flying around.  The idea with this board was that the closer you got to the center, the harder and harder it would be to conquer those asteroids, especially if the computer was smart enough to build a couple defensive trees.  That is also why I start the center asteroid with 3 Defensive trees.  You will need at least 600 seedlings massed before you even want to try to take that one on.

I'm actually experimenting with another game option that might alleviate the need for strong defensive trees, and perhaps defensive trees altogether.  If you set the attack range of your seedlings up a bit (and rate of fire), then they become quite the defensive force.  I will be creating another board (once I finish up with Alpha Quadrant v.2 today) that will try to do away with the need for defensive trees and will instead focus on maintaining a defensive army of seedlings to protect your worlds.  I'm also going to try to figure out tree hitpoints, because I'd like them to be higher.



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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2009, 10:03:41 AM »
Okay. So this is my first post. (Obviously)

I completely have no idea how you are suppose to play this.... huh... custom level.

Anyone could explain that to me please?

Edit: Never mind. Sorry for this stupid post. Just read another thread.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 10:19:56 AM by megagoten »


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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 04:46:43 AM »
I hope that there are more levels like this one in the works somewhere.  *hint hint*


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Re: Jamis: Level1.level - Return to Alpha Quadrant
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2010, 09:00:10 AM »
Hello Jamis, I hope you still follow this forum. I have renamed your level and added it to a ZIP file collection of all oldstyle (*.level) levels in this thread.