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Eufloria => Eufloria Classic => Eufloria Classic Mods => Topic started by: pastuh on November 10, 2009, 06:10:09 AM

Title: Invisible asteroid
Post by: pastuh on November 10, 2009, 06:10:09 AM
I tried to learn to make maps and analyze scripts.
Tested and saw that the asteroid can be made invisible (hide it behind a "wheel"..). (Its bug?)
Sometimes works and sometimes not. (I think 70% probability)
Here's the (asteroids locations) combination im used. (Tested with 4 asteroids)

( (

( (

Code: [Select]


AddAsteroidRing(2, 0, 0, 100, 0)

-- Human asteroid:
a = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(0,0, 0.5,0.5,0.6)
a.SendDistance = 1000

-- Computer asteroid:
a = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(800,100, 1.0,1.0,0.7)
a.SendDistance = 1000

If all works, not only to me .. This I believe will be useful to create a much more interesting maps

P.S. Sorr for english.. Translated own language with google  ;D :-X

Edit: Added +2 asteroids to randomize. (now +4 random asteroids) And 100% invisible computer asteroid!
Edit2: Computer asteroid radius very important. Must be 300 or biger. If u change to 200, asteroid will be visible..
Computer asteroid shows up.. when u conquer asteroid with radius who reaches him... And u click on his (invisible) location/asteroid..
Edit3: Can't send specific number of units in this planet with mouse2, only with mouse1 (all)...
Title: Re: Invisible asteroid
Post by: cinemabaroque on November 11, 2009, 03:59:15 PM
Can you post the entire level file?  I can't find any problems in the script you posted but if you let me look at the entire file maybe I can find what is causing your problem.

Good to see others working on levels.  I like the look of what you have going on.
Title: Re: Invisible asteroid
Post by: pastuh on November 11, 2009, 07:12:11 PM
I will send you a map via email :)
Title: Re: Invisible asteroid
Post by: Vanger on November 11, 2009, 11:24:56 PM
Just attach it to the post.
Title: Re: Invisible asteroid
Post by: Jazz Ad on November 13, 2009, 06:02:19 AM
It's not invisible for me. :(