Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods

iPad Custom Level [HELP, Very Beginner]

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I'm using the iPad, I no idea how to find the error messages?

Also, how would I state the senddistance to be exaclty 250 per say? I want to create asteroids to 'pop up' into the world when I've gone over some text, could I just place the asteroids in LevelSetup() then make them hidden? then put some code up in LevelLogic()?

--- Code: --- --Starting Asteroid
a = GetAsteroid(0)
a = GetEmpire(1)
a = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(0,0, 1.0,1.0,1.0)
a.Owner = 1
a.TreeCap = 1
a.Moveable = false
a.SendDistance = 100
--- End code ---

This is the starting asteroid, but I know for a fact the senddistance isn't 100

Ah, so you are. On the PC version if a map fails to load there will be a message that reads something like

Unable to load level "A_PATH_HERE" due to the following error: A_PATH_HERE: NUMBER : Unexpected token near 'i'

Does that happen on the iPad?

The last thing I remember in coding is that == is equal to and = is set to... I might've been mistaken :o

No, nothing happens with the ipad, if you want I can paste my current whole level code?

Is it possible to do something like

Camera movement only allowed from top left (-1000,1000) to bottom right (1000,-1000) so the user can move it, but only between that box/region so it's still restricted but I have defined the space

Also Aino, putting a.SendDistance == 100 crashes the game

Also guys, How would I change the colour of the message text?

a.SendDistance == 100 should be used in an if statement.
a.SendDistance = 100 is correct when you want to change the senddistance.


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