Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Level design demystification / scripting guide - XML

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Somehow the write protection on the folder doesn't get removed, even if Vista says so. I can save the edited level file in another spot with no problems. Maybe you should just get rid of that write protection for your next release.


--- Quote from: "dbltnk" ---I removed the write protection both on the game folder, the ressources folder and all files in them. There level files should be editable now. Still, both edit++ and the windows editor tell me that I can't write there. Using Vista x64. Any suggestions?
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Hey, I'm running Vista too. It crashes for me sometimes if it is saved in the C: drive (where most apps get installed) because it tries to write or modify files inside of it's folder, and vista won't let it. Alex had me move the folder to my desktop and that fixed it, but your documents folder should be fine, too. I just installed mine on a thumb drive and it is fine. I can even edit levels and everything.

On a side note, I think if you set the planet to static the planet starts exactly there, but the swarm and trees don't. They start slightly off of the planet, and you have the roots of the plants growing off in space, but the trees themselves are on the planet. I THINK it is because they are on static. I could have messed something else up, but I think that is what it was. Yup. I just switched to not static and it fixed it. Idk. Maybe it just happens to me.

Anyway, Alex, you get to see my level soon, lol.

*Edit: also, is there a way to start some kind of a timer? Like "after this event, wait such and such time, them do this". I can think of a few ways that I could use it, but if not, I'll live.


--- Quote from: "crazeh.monkeh" ---
--- Quote from: "dbltnk" ---I removed the write protection both on the game folder, the ressources folder and all files in them. There level files should be editable now. Still, both edit++ and the windows editor tell me that I can't write there. Using Vista x64. Any suggestions?
--- End quote ---

Hey, I'm running Vista too. It crashes for me sometimes if it is saved in the C: drive (where most apps get installed) because it tries to write or modify files inside of it's folder, and vista won't let it. Alex had me move the folder to my desktop and that fixed it, but your documents folder should be fine, too. I just installed mine on a thumb drive and it is fine. I can even edit levels and everything.

On a side note, I think if you set the planet to static the planet starts exactly there, but the swarm and trees don't. They start slightly off of the planet, and you have the roots of the plants growing off in space, but the trees themselves are on the planet. I THINK it is because they are on static. I could have messed something else up, but I think that is what it was. Yup. I just switched to not static and it fixed it. Idk. Maybe it just happens to me.

Anyway, Alex, you get to see my level soon, lol.

*Edit: also, is there a way to start some kind of a timer? Like "after this event, wait such and such time, them do this". I can think of a few ways that I could use it, but if not, I'll live.
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That sounds like a pretty serious bug - I didn't know that was happening. Could you email me the XML of the file that's showing that happen? Cheers!

There are timers in there, but their only current function is to start spawning seedlings at random. Hopefully we'll expand on this as we add new stuff and get level editing more integral.

Ya im also running this on vista, and having the write problem... the main issue for me is when you try to change the options and hit done, it crashes the game. A way to get around the fact you cant save scripts than save them, save them somewhere else (desktop perhaps?) and then drag and drop the file to replace it.

Vista sounds like it sucks

OK, will have to fix this. Cheers guys.


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