Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
I got a little idea flowering in my head as I walked down the Spanish streets, an "extractor" would be awesome. Let me explain the idea:
An extractor is basically a root, it stretches to the core like any other tree, but the body is also a "root" which connects to the closest tree, that tree is enhanced by extra production speed, since the extractor gives extra resources from the core. With that bonus, it's limited by ((cores current energy/100)*3) in seconds, but it enhances(divides) the time space per seedling by 8 in the "enhancing period". The enhancing period is delayed by the period time*3...
It's alot of math here, but I hope you get the idea :)
Sooo...a tree which boosts the production rate of another tree? Wouldn't you just be better off with another tree?
Or a new flower type ? :>
It's just a root, even the body itself is a root that connects tree, I wasn't planning it too count as a tree, since it's an enhancement like a flower(still a root, but acts as a new flower!). The delays beetwen each enhancing period is because it would seem very consuming to use 8x the resources all the time rather than a little period, the period times are also dependant of the core energy too :P
Staright forward: It's a root, acting like a flower which improves production speed over a time dependant of the CURRENT core energy.
--- Code: ---function SeedlingFleetLaunched(EmpireID, NumberOfSeedlings, FromAsteroidtID, ToAsteroidID)
--- End code ---
Pretty self-explanatory, but here goes:
Whenever someone(either human, or bot), sends seedlings from a planet to another, call this function, which will tell you the ID of the empire that send those seedlings, the number of seedlings, the asteroid ID that from where the seedlings are departing and their destination ID...
Useful to AI, weird dynamics, and game logs(which is something that I just might start to work on).
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