Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
How can I write mods on PC?
What is this beta version for PC that I am hearing about?
Alex, Rudolf, or... it now seems Sillytuna is on board the team as well... can any of you help with this?
PM Sillytuna or...Rudolf, I think. I seem to remember something about Alex moving on to other (hopefully better) things. Just to throw more confusion around, Sillytuna is also called Alex.
Also, hi!
Hi Pilchard, old friend. :> Good to see/hear from you again.
I've sent a PM to Sillytuna. So for the avoidance of doubt, are SillyTuna and Alex (as in developer Alex) one and the same? Or two seperate people that both happen to be called Alex?
As far as I can remember, they are two separate people who are each called Alex.
Ok. :>
Man I am hungry for the code. I started porting the 3D engine into Java with the help of my friend James, who is a professional Java developer. I was supposed to be at his house now, working on it... but unfortunately the parking brake on my car is stuck on. :<
So it looks like I'm going nowhere.
Most of all, I miss coding AI. That was such a satisfying project.
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