Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Level Update HARD-er

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I have a similar 'problem' with the AI as well, when I try to create an object oriented map, there is no way to get the AI to focus as I wish. I have looked over the commands, many many times and have found that they will only do as I want if it is strategic point as one of the commands is. However after they obtain it, its simply another point on the map.
I have tried to use operators in helping the AI make more informed decisions, but there is no real focal point to build on.
So if more AI oriented commands are released it would help tremendously.

I've been looking at just using the SendSeedlingsToTarget asteroid function to force it to be more aggressive but I haven't gotten down a good system of identifying which asteroid is important at any given moment. 

There is a little bit of my first test run with this idea commented out in the level, the idea being to use the OnAsteroidTaken function to identify the last 2 systems to change hands which were assigned to two variables.  If the number of seedlings on their home asteroid got over 200 I'd have it send 50 seedlings to each of those two systems as reinforcements.  Didn't really get it to work and I'm now thinking of having a large array of the status of all the asteroids (giving my AI the ability to cheat more than the existing AI does) and using a couple of variables to identify the ones that are most likely to be important and have it send seedlings to those targets.  Still a long way from actually getting coded but its an idea at least.

I'm glad other people are working on this too, good luck with it.

I would like to second the vote for more access to the AI and a refined and more aggressive AI.  Maybe in the first major patch we can get some basic functionality like Defend-This or Attack-That and Expand-Aggressively because you outnumber your foe.  Love the game architecture but a little extra work here and there would make it a classic.


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