Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Eufloria Classic on OS X

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Well, the last time I tried it, SDL was known to not work at all on Snow Leopard, since the latest version of the library was still using the old QuickDraw framework (which has been deprecated).  SDL was finally fixed not too long ago, so it's possible that when you tried it, you were using the newer SDL, which I haven't done yet, as this slipped my mind. :)

Thanks for posting the guide: I can't wait to play Dyson on my mac!  I do have one problem, however: the files that was linked to earlier in the thread can no longer be downloaded.  I can't find it anywhere else on the web, and there is no way I can build it myself.  Can anyone repost it?

Now that Apple has allowed LUA for iPhone/iPad, does this mean anything for Eufloria?

We're still investigumating these platforms.


--- Quote from: Alex on June 15, 2010, 03:10:16 PM ---We're still investigumating these platforms.

--- End quote ---

A year has passed by, a lot has happened in the meantime … on small as well as on great scales …

… but nevertheless I’d LOVE to know what your investigumations may have brought up …?

After all, this also is a thread with a red badge, and as old as it is, it is the fourth thread from above … so I guess I’m not the only one.

And, as I have often said: I’d rather pay again for Eufloria/OS X than get it for free as you always said, but never—because your business may have went upside down. Philantropy is a good thing, but survival also ;)


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