Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Problems with Eufloria 2.0x and Crossover/Wine/linux? -- read this plz.
There's a longer story to this (see the thread 'Random crashes with eufloria 2.02 -- linux + crossover-games' ), but this post summarizes that content. The problem I was having, I eventually tracked down to be this issue ...which isn't actually a winebug as such. Although that winehq ticket is not directly related to Eufloria, the kernel patch (included in linux-2.6.34) mentioned has Eufloria running 100% now in crossover-games & linux. Be aware that not all linux distributions use the same kernel patch-set -- I used a vanilla linux-2.6.34 tarball, YMMV if you use a different tree. Wine-1.2-rc5 seemed to be good with the same kernel patch/version, but I'll prolly check that angle out again once wine-1.2 goes final.
I definitely confirm this. Thank you for the link, as it started me on the correct path.
I was running Ubuntu Lucid with all of the latest official patches and yet running Eufloria with Wine still crashed.
My kernel version was 2.6.32 - you can find it with 'uname -r'
I followed the instructions here:
To choose the correct kernel, make sure to look here:
look at Comment#6, Reply#1 to learn how to look for the latest kernel.
I now run kernel version 2.6.34-5.14.
I left Eufloria running overnight in a game, and it was still working properly this AM.
I believe that Eufloria will work with the next release of Ubuntu(Maverick Meerkat) right out of the box, since I believe that it will use kernel 2.6.35
Also, with the new kernel, my system has been a little bit more stable and boots/shuts down a bit quicker.
Wine-1.2 did go final - Eufloria (patched to 2.05) still running near perfect with linux-2.6.34 (or better that includes the patch)
Same goes for crossover-games in it's latest public beta incantation (it's based on the wine-1.2 tree), so seedlings are
happy there as well. I sometimes get some 'odd' behavior but neither appears to be a real show stopper. I can't recall
which couple of levels did it, but upon completing them Eufloria.exe, wine et_al all disappeared....not so much looking
like a wine crash but more resembling a terminal failure of the sig11 kind...perhaps it even smashed X or the nvidia
driver code on the way out. I never really checked - immediately restarting Eufloria revealed that it had indeed recorded
you'd successfully completed the previous level, and life as we know it continues on as per normal...
I get very occasional white flashing to never seems to break or crash anything, nor distract from the game itself.
I hadn't actually noticed this in dmm to be honest, so perhaps I have another thought about where this might be coming any event, I kinda like the effect, 'coz it suddenly jolts your thoughts into thinking something's happening you
ought to be aware of when the universe is actually quiet on all fronts <grin>...
Thanks for the Ubuntu details - I'll be able to cross-pollinate that info over at CWHQ/WineHQ to ease people's pain. level named 200....hmmm, challenging...
Well, Crossover Games 9.1 just came out and all is still good - indeed, in CXG I've complete the main game and are halfway through the DMM levels. Other special levels are working fine too.
Reading through some of the other bug reports here, some of the weird things I've seen are also being reported by windows users (especially wrt level 20), so I'm reasonably sure the linux kernel patch and wine/crossover engines are working 'as expected' running Eufloria; working just like it does on windows... and bliss, comfort and joy....
For around the last 12months for Crossover Games users (less for wine pure users),
if you patched Eufloria to a version -above- 2.04 you would get an impasse wrt crashing
in level 10 iirc. Although the exact cause was never clear, it seemed to be due to the lack
of/need for .NET 2.0 SP! & SP2. These targets became available to wine pure users via
'winetricks' a few months back, and will be available to Crossover 11 users when it ships...
I finished a round of testing this weekend just gone wrt wine-1.4-rc4 with .NET 2.0 + both
service packs installed via winetricks, and the crashing seems to have disappeared ; I'm
seeing similar (good) results with the current crossover beta - this is all good news.
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