I have much enjoyed this map, and played with a variety of strategies and loses exploring the AI behavoir and experimenting with different starts and styles.
I do think the map could be much improved in the dimension of experience/enjoyment, simply by including a large starting text explanation, to the effect that this is a puzzle map, and that the AI here is a distinctly hyperlogical creature. Advise the player of these two key things, and to experiment with nonstandard solution styles, and a more enjoyable response will arise to being stymied at first by the AI swarming / numerical advantage / ebb-flow.
To be clear, it's a good map and AI. As a programmer, though of no LUA experience, I can recognize care and quality. Like fluffy (have played these 2 thus far), one can see each map and AI furthering the art of the possible and introducing intelligence and features.
Human players tend to think that better AI, or carefully coded AI, means an AI that more closely approximates what a human strategist might do, and then they cry Unfair!! and there's tearing up at the opera house. It can mean instead, as it does here imho, that a hyperlogical AI deploys some seemingly overwhelming advantage(s) in particular and well-defined ways, that refute a majority of standard tactics and counterreplies while having exposure to a weakness or puzzle-solution, so to speak.
edit: Not sure if this would be attractive to you, but naming the level 'day and night puzzle' might convey as well. It probably depends on one's philosophy and disposition to what constitutes a puzzle, and whether players should or should not be benevolently apprised or discover the nature of a level for themselves.