Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Bug: PlantDysonTree and PlantDefenseTree allow illegal planting
IsBarren checks it too I guess :)
No. What IsBarren() does is check if the roid has NO trees planted and belongs to the greys. It could return true but you would not be able to plant a tree there if the treecap was 0. AvailableStructureSpace() will return true if treecap-plantedtrees > 0.
FreeSlots() tells you how many trees can be planted there.
Is it correct that IsBarren() will return false if a tree has been planted but its roots have not yet touched the center, and thus the asteroid owner is still 0?
I would actually understand that better if you wrote it like a code xD
But I haven't tested much about IsBarren(), but this problem is made out of the oddest occasion you can get into. Because I've never in my gametime seen two empires having over 10 seedlings and the asteroid is currently having 0 trees...
New suggestion: Add IsRooted field(would be best, but if you can't, do a checking function)...
If it is a field, then if the editor sets it to false on purpose, it will be unrooted at once, leaving no roots and 0 trees.
IsBarren() is the same as.....
function blah(Asteroid)
barren = false
if Asteroid.owner == 0 and Asteroid:GetNumTrees() == 0 then
barren = true
return barren
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