Indeed. The level has behaved fine on the next two plays. I lost the next, nice design on the ninja attack by the AI, I caught 220 at once underprepared of what the large asteriod was like, and chuckled in delight.
Cracked it the forth try (3rd was an opener disaster) with, in hindsight, not that much laser reliance, by shaving metagame to within an inch of its life in knowing the board layout and AI placement. Controlled growth in appropriate directions is really key on the board. Overall, it's a very nice design, it's the first custom level I've tried of 8 or so downloaded and just groundbreaking and revelatory in what Eufloria can do and be. Tremendous thanks.
I am keen to try it again, as the replay value is high generally, with the specific hardcore challenge of no laser use. I think I might have been able to finesse it, but the proof is in the pudding. Maybe, maybe not. Some luck may be necessary in the AIs choices and laser numbers / positions - in any event, quite fun to try, or just to replay normally. Eager to try your other boards.
I am not positive, but the respawn issue may involve a flower from another planet being used on a just-made youthful defense tree, and then the resulting laser being lost on the original flower-origin world. Perhaps not. I see no sane coding reason (I code by dayjob) why some of those things would affect each other. I will try to pay accurate memory recall attention if it happens again.
Interestinly, it happened to two of the three defense trees that game, which makes it not quite random nor repeatable, but seems to imply a set of conditions being generally met. Probably argues against the likelihood of the above hypothesis being correct, actually. Merely remarking.