Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Eufloria Classic on OS X
You say you got it to work on OS X via Mono... Can you provide a list of steps you took? I absolutely love this game on my PC, but I want to play it on my Mac as well!
I've never got it to work myself. One or two people did... but I've not managed to reproduce the effect. Otherwise I'd have announced a working version :D
Part of the problem is mapping the libraries, which can be done in the .manifest files - once you've got that, the game should at least execute, and then probably throw some kind of exception in SDL_gfx. Possibly due to endianness? I haven't looked into it far enough to say for sure.
There was also some business about macpack and mono SDL apps not working unless they'd been packed into a .app, but I don't know about that either.
I will spend more time on it eventually, promise :)
After some experimentation, I got it working on OS X 10.5.6. It pretty much has to be done the way it was mentioned... Through mono, with the Linux build. Here's how I did it:
1. Install mono for OS X.
2. Copy the SDL framework for OS X into your /Library/Frameworks directory.
3. Copy SDL_mixer framework into /Library/Frameworks directory.
4. Copy SDL_image framework into /Library/Frameworks directory.
5. Copy SDL_gfx framework into /Library/Frameworks directory. This is the difficult one. It's not too easy to find this framework for OS X. Sorry but I forgot the link where I got it from. I got it from a zip file called Either find one, or compile the library yourself I guess.
6. In Terminal, go to the directory where you un-tarred the linux build. In the directory with the executable, type: mono Dyson.exe
Before installing the additional frameworks, I would get errors in Terminal here. If you get any additional errors, it'll probably tell you which framework it's trying to find and you can look for it.
That should get the game started. I had a problem in windowed mode where the hit-testing for the buttons was all messed up. Clicking on the buttons didn't work, but sometimes clicking somewhere else on screen would trigger a button. If you manage to get the game into full screen mode from the options menu, everything will resolve itself. I found that to get into the options menu, holding down the left mouse button and dragging to the options button would highlight the button. Clicking again on the button would trigger it. Mess around like that a bit in the menu, and you should be able to get the fullscreen option enabled... Good luck!
By the way, this is a cool game!
Phiu... Dyson now works with my OS X 10.4 as well, if anybody else is interested, I linked the files:
--- Quote from: maledyris on March 23, 2009, 03:35:08 AM ---
--- End quote ---
* 1. Install Mono for OS X.
* 2. Copy the SDL.framework for OS X into your /Library/Frameworks directory.
* 3. Copy SDL_mixer.framework into /Library/Frameworks directory.
* 4. Copy SDL_image.framework into /Library/Frameworks directory.
* 5. Copy SDL_gfx.framework into /Library/Frameworks directory.
* 6. In Terminal, go to the directory where you un-tarred the linux build. In the directory with the executable, type: mono Dyson.exe
Thank you so much for that short overview maledyris. I had trouble finding the SDL_gfx.framework first and tried to build it myself from the source. Which I never did before and consequently failed. Anyways. Now it works, although with >60 seeds smooth playing is only possible when zoomed out max (on MacbookPro 2.2 Duo / 2GB DDR2).
Yay. :D
To get the Menu working hold mouse down and drag to see your position, no big deal, pop-ups are worse. However, the "Color-Change-Seed" is not visible.
Hey, good job on finding the link to the SDL_gfx.framework, cem!
I was in too much of a hurry to get back into the game to try and figure out where I got it from ;)
And yeah, that's weird that the color wheel doesn't appear, isn't it? My first time playing was on my Mac, so I had no idea what people were talking about when they were saying which colors they preferred using!
I also get similar performance on my Mac and I have one of the recent Macbook Pros. I guess it's the video card that's a bottleneck.
It plays really well on my PC with an ATI 4870 video card. I played a level with the "50 tree" adjustment after reading one of the posts, and there's pretty much no lag at all even when zooming in and with hundreds of seedlings on several planets (I lost, by the way, because after awhile all my seedlings would no longer listen to me! I guess I let too many get together and they decided to revolt).
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