Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Enemy Count wrong?

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Terraforming, once available (level 8 ), requires 10 seeds to plant the tree and then you can use up to 100 to improve an attribute.


--- Quote from: sillytuna on November 13, 2012, 01:58:59 AM ---Terraforming, once available (level 8 ), requires 10 seeds to plant the tree and then you can use up to 100 to improve an attribute.

--- End quote ---

I mean, if you start a terraform-process seeds are flying to the terraform-tree and then if there are a specified number of seeds over the tree (if i figured it out correctly) the terraform progress is finished.
So if i choose "+20" Speed for example, how many seeds have to be there to finish the progress, but it seems to be much more than 20?
And after the progress all seed are available again?

It's 20. However, as reported on here there is a bug on PC/Mac/Linux systems running > 60hz (and maybe others, unsure) which is causing seedlings to stack about the tree and not enter it, and the tree is malformed (it should have 3 branches; the example we were given only had one main branch and I've now fixed this locally).

Edited a couple of posts to fix an unwanted emote.

Both the terraforming issues and the asteroid panel counts have been fixed internally. Both bugs could cause or indicate other issues so we'll update as soon as possible. The first bug does not affect Android and can possibly be mitigated by running at triple speed. Possibly.

We need to tidy the code up and test a bit, so hopefully there will be an official update on Wednesday. I'll post up when done.

(Taken all day and all night, doh! Not had dinner yet. And breakfast was lunch!)


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