Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support
Are we going to get Eufloria HD on PC?
or update Eufloria Classic to make those new features available?(Beacon plant, Terraform tree, etc.)
I got Eufloria HD on iPhone, but wish to see it on PC too..
Yep, but only when we finish Eufloria Adventures (which seems to get bigger daily!).
Maybe you have a more accurate date? Because the last Update of the "pre-release" is now over a year old.
Eufloria Adventures still. I was off sick for quite a while and am only just back coding, sorry dudes.
But I have it? I mean, I got it through the humble bundle a while ago but you have already made it. Is it hard to release it on steam? You could provide a update to existing players? Just curious, I don't want to bew assuming. Also, super-keen for adventures! should be good :)
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