Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Why Eufloria? What made you buy it?
I was skimming through the special offers on steam. It was rather a slow day, nothing happened. So, I clicked on it. Ooh, cool. " It's good and you should buy it." Nice review. Simple and to the point. The metacritic 63 was a bit low, and I normally don't buy games under 80. I went online, googled Eufloria.
Indie game, nice, I like indie.
" streamlined and minimalist interface" pretty cool, I like simple control schemes.
Main flaw "The enemy AI is so docile for about 80% of the campaign mode that, more often than not, you can beat every single level simply by building a few Dyson trees "... a bit slow, I can win it easier. Well, that's a feature, thought I. Makes it relaxing and nice to play through, I won't be stressed out of my mind trying to beat it. No really negative reviews.
So I bought it. And it was good.
What's your story?
I played with the demo and very much like it. I didn't buy it yet, because it's for Windows only. I would rather like to play it on my iPad so I can sit down on the sofa or play it in bed at night.
I agree that the relaxing effect, the soothing music and overall beautiful style is an essential value also for me.
I can’t quite remember how I stumbled over Dyson, sometime in last year’s summer … I have played flOw before, and ]]tranquility[/url] and similar games, so maybe I have searched for something the like. I have immediately enjoyed Dyson, and I still enjoy playing Eufloria, thanks also to the many free user-made levels which have expanded the original gameplay quite some and which obviously support Eufloria’s ongoing evolution.
As soon as Eufloria was purchaseable, I cashed out the money, IIRC I even pre-ordered. It’s not really a lot of money, so it was an easy decision.
As to why exactly I enjoy Eufloria … I think I can’t really tell. I even turn down its music, leaving only asteroid and seedling noise on, and watch TV beside it in a small floating window while I play, and very often I use the dev mode acceleration (blame ADD ;) and I don’t use Ritalin). There certainly is something meditative and relaxing about Eufloria ... the fuzzy movements, the fuzzy trees, all following certain rules, but not too strictly, things happening in an organic manner; when large streams of seedlings move towards a common goal, they remind me of fast-motion films of slime moulds converging toward the place where they meet and prepare for turning into millions of spores …
Now, if only I knew how to prevent chronical RSI :-S
Oh, I also mentioned it in the other thread: I play Eufloria w/ Parallels Desktop in a Vista Business virtual machine, no problems with that (other than a few known problems w/ Eufloria which should be repaired soon).
I bought it because I'd been following it since the PG Compo on tigsource and I'd had endless hours of fun by the time the first commercial version hit. The guys deserved the money a few times over for what I'd already played, regardless of where it went from there ;D
--- Quote from: Widget on September 11, 2010, 07:47:30 PM ---[..] I'd had endless hours of fun by the time the first commercial version hit. The guys deserved the money a few times over for what I'd already played, regardless of where it went from there ;D
--- End quote ---
Yeah, that’s how it felt for me, too.
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