I might be getting a little ahead of myself here, but the engine isn't all that far off being finished and I'm going to need an object editor..
So time to start planning out.
So what's needed for an object editor?
It needs to view the world in 3D.
Vertices should be added in a point-and-click manner similar to roidforge. They need to be removed in the same way, with a "remove vertex" tool.
Edges can be declared by clicking the Edge button, then selecting 2 vertices, then clicking confirm.
Edges should be selectable from a list, and they should change colour onscreen when selected. From here they can be deleted if necessary.
Faces need to be added by clicking the Add Face tool, then selecting a bunch of the edges from the list (they will highlight as they are added).
They should be removed by looking through a list of the currently existing faces.. as each face is highlighted, so its comprising edges should be coloured in the game field to show which edges are involved in that face.
Adjusting the positions of vertices should be done with sliders. More sliders should be available to rotate the object, as well as "continuous rotate".
Ideally, vertices and edges should be selectable in-game.
Finally, the object should be built within the confines of -1,-1,-1 and 1,1,1. IE a cube would occupy the maximum space possible in this area, and would have dimensions 2x2x2.
All objects should be built in this way to create a predictable scaling mechanism later on.
Hmm... lots to think about.