Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Difficulty went from relaxed to impossible in one level


Just snagged it from the Humble Bundle and had a thoroughly enjoyable levels 1-15.  At 16 it became impossible.  I've spent hours trying different scenarios, looking up strats, etc.  I'm placed in a very weak position with very strong opponents with no opportunity to gain strength.  Tried levels 17-20 and it's the same.  Weak start with crushing opponents.  I'm playing on relaxed mode...this is not relaxed; it's sheer frustration.  Had this happen many times with various Android games...great fun for awhile then difficulty goes through the roof.

Once you reach those levels the game becomes more tactical. Even in normal mode I find those levels easier actually, although we did recently have to tweak level 18 on both difficulty settings. Try a slightly different style of play perhaps.

One of the problems with Eufloria is some people complain that it's much too easy on either difficulty mode, and other people have the polar opposite view. The real truth is that it depends what tactics you use.

I did level 16 first time and it didn't seem too difficult. Now I've tried it again and failed umpteen times, I wish I could remember what I did the first time!  ???

I have just made the easy made 'easier' - will be in the next update.

It's not a big change, just a little bit more bias towards the player seedlings and away from the enemies.


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